Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wikiriver: One Stop Shop For All Wikileaks Coverage

wikiriverlogo.jpgThe Wikileaks story has just begun, with just over one half of one percent of all the diplomatic cables in the organization's possession having been posted online. Already, a steady flow of scandal and questionable secrets has been unveiled - but it's quickly become too overwhelming for most of us to follow.

Where can we find the best coverage from the journalists that are focusing on summarizing all this information? This week blogging and syndication trailblazer Dave Winer has launched a simple but invaluable service that centralizes all the coverage from all the major media outlets analyzing the Wikileaks cables. Called Wikiriver, the project is a great example of RSS and OPML put in service of our collective interests. Want to catch up with the list of important stories unearthed so far? Check out the Guardian's day-by-day summary; I found it on Wikiriver.



If you'd rather subscribe to these feeds in a feed reader of your choice, Winer has bundled them all together in an OPML file you can download and then import.

What's your favorite Wikileak so far? I think mine is the one that talks about how the FBI is helping the Chilean government spy on indigenous activists, in part because the Chileans want to learn from the US's treatment of Native Americans. Incredible! It's a tough call though. The one about how the US government seeks material to use in blackmailing climate change negotiators who want tighter emissions controls than the US representatives want is a classic one too!

The fun should continue for a good long time and Wikiriver looks like a good place to keep up with it.


Ashlee Simpson Donna Feldman Jodi Lyn OKeefe Emma Watson Amy Smart

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